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Black Tea Powder (50g)


Some of the amazing properties of black tea that produce incredible physical benefits for your body are the same properties that benefit your hair.

Tannins – These types of astringents are found plentifully in black tea and help to give this drink its dark color.
Flavanols – These antioxidants are known to reduce age-related damage and oxidative stress.
Caffeine – Promotes strong, healthy hair growth and suppresses the hair loss hormone DHT. Caffeine is in stronger supply in black tea than it is in other types of tea.

Availability: 5 in stock

To get the best results from a black tea hair rinse, you will need to do a bit more than simply dump a cup of tea over your head.
However, the rinse process is actually quite easy and does not take long to complete once you get used to the steps.

  1. It is best to begin with a weaker black tea brew as you determine how it will affect your hair.
  2. Start with only a couple of teabags (2-3 tsps.) steeped in two cups of water that has just come off the boil.
    Use a large Pyrex measure cup or a jar large enough to hold it.
    Once the tea has sufficiently cooled, it is ready to use, or you may want to pour it in a clean spray bottle for application.
  3. In your shower, shampoo your hair as normal and fully rinse your hair.
  4. While still in the shower, pour (or spray) some of the black tea onto your hair and massage it in, section by section, making sure to let it reach all the strands.
    You may want to use a comb to pull it through all your strands.
  5. Once you have applied the tea, cover your hair with a shower cap to seal in the moisture and get out of the shower.
  6. Let it sit for 20 to 40 minutes and then go back to the shower and rinse the tea out with lukewarm water.
  7. There is no need to shampoo your hair again, but you will want to use conditioner on your hair immediately after to add moisture back into it following the moisture-stripping action of the tannins.

    Once you have determined how the tea is working on your hair, you may want to make a stronger brew, using at least four teabags (5-6 tsps.) per two cups of water.

    Another option is to let the teabags steep in cool water overnight. This method ensures that no nutrients from the tea are lost in the boiling water.

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